The mission

The purpose of this blog is to report on my experiences with various parenting-related issues. Reviews of advice, crafts, and whatever else comes my way. (Originally this was meant to be a Glass Explorer project, but I was unable to procure funding... in case you're wondering about the title. Pending retail release..................)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Craft Review: Homemade washable paint

So, I ran out of commercially produced washable kid paint the other day and in desperation turned to one of several recipes on the Internet.

I had avoided this recipe before because it had seemed unsound. It called for flour, water, and food coloring. I thought to myself, won't this stain? But then I thought of how I never got a stain from goods baked with food coloring so, maybe food coloring diluted and mixed with flour would be OK. And of course, a simple recipe like that, similar to salt doughs and such seemed just so comforting and familiar... and it looked adorable in my muffin pan.

So what happened?

Well, first off the particular recipe I used was a bit watery. The result of this was that much son quickly learned that splashing it everywhere would be AWESOME. It was on the walls, all over him, all over anything within 15'.

If it was cleaned up before it dried, it was OK.

However, if it was not cleaned up before it dried... well, it was a bit tough to get off the wall. And although I intended to wash my sons clothing immediately I forgot about them for some time after I tossed them down the stairs. After washing, they did not appear to stain, but dozens and dozens of little balls of colored dough became stuck to them. I ended up throwing the shirt out instead of fighting with it.

Oh, and forget getting it out of the brushes if you use brushes. 


Can be OK in a pinch as long as the area and the surrounding area is easily wipeable and immediately wiped and cleaned.

If you're more laid back, or just letting the kid paint with minimal supervision or have a kid that's going to run around the house covered in paint and hug all your cloth furniture, you'll want to stay away.

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